Do you need to make up a class that you missed or failed? Remember that it is your responsibility to get the credits you need to graduate. The earlier you get caught up the better. So do not wait to get all the credits you need to complete school on time and walk the grass with your friends. No one wants to be a senior with no lunch period, and stay after school their senior year to make up a class they should have passed as a freshman.
Here are some of the credit recovery opportunities being offered by PHS:
- Period 9 – Registration for period 9 is now open for the second semester. Students should go to guidance NOW so that they can get the course they need. It is a great way to make up a course. However, space is limited, courses are filled on a first come, first served, basis, so do not delay.
- Virtual Credit Recovery – Classes will begin the first week of February so there is no time to lose. Sign up with Mr. Cerdan in M303. He is in the Career and College Readiness Office. Again, space is limited, time is short; sign up today.