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Senior Track Athletes Comment on Their Experience

Track team shows off their medals from a successful season. PHOTO BY ALEX ARCE

Track team shows off their medals from a successful season.

By Alex Arce

The 2014-2015 Spring Track season will be the last for many of our student athletes. For some, their experience with sports at PHS has changed the way they look at themselves, the school and even their outlook on their future. For others being in sports is a chance at a second home. The following is a summation of the experience that PHS track members have had and also some advice for underclassmen


[Being on the track team] gave me something to do after school. It motivated me to get better grades and keep my body in shape for the upcoming seasons. I can honestly say that track changed my life because I stopped acting up in school and started attending classes more often. I don’t know if I would have even graduated if I wasn’t in track. Thanks.

Ariel P.

Track has given me a place to relieve daily stress. I look forward to practices, leaving all of my worries on the track and feeling refreshed when practice is over. Track has also taught me to be consistent. As coach Matos always says, “Consistency is key.” I recommend to any other student who wants to explore what they can do on the field and in the classroom to join track.

Katherine R.

During my first few years in track, I didn’t realize the commitment that was needed to support the team. Over time I became more determined during practices and then in everything I do. Being on the track team has showed me that if you are early to a meeting, you’re good. If you’re on time, you are late. My best advice is that no matter what you do always try your best, and help as many other people on the way.

Maurisio N.

Track has changed my mindset. I am more determined motivated on the field, but also in the classroom. The lessons I learned, competing in track, will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Neel P.

The most important thing I will take away from my experience in track is the great friends I made. Throughout my track experience I have made close friends. These friends have been there for me in any situation in school and in track, but even if it is personal. We support each other on and off the field.

Mitchell B.

Being on the track team has forced me to become more focused and determined. To succeed in track I needed to give 110 percent effort. I know that I need to give that kind of effort in everything else I do to succeed.

Leslie C.

I used to be thin-skinned, and I took every criticism personally, and it held me back. Track has made me a very tough girl with thicker skin. I’ve never endured so much in my whole life than I have in one season. Now I have learned to always keep trying and keep pushing through until I have reached my goal. I have learned to always stick it through, dig deep, and keep up. I’ll carry this lesson throughout my life.

Stephanie E.

When I feel like giving up, I push forward even harder, like that last push at the end of the race. Track has taught me to push forward even when it gets tough. You have to dig deep and move forward. You should join track, or even another sport to learn about yourself.

Nastasha V.

Track has inspired me in many ways but the most important thing I learned is that there are people here to support me. I know what it feels like to be part of a team and how to work hard to find success for myself, and the team.

George F.

Track is not an easy sport! I have learned to look deep within myself to be the best I can be for the team, and the team has given me a second family, support and I adore it.

Giiselle M.

As a person who has moved and lived all around the world, it is always fascinating to meet new people from many places. I am proud to say that I found so many new and interesting people, who work together for the common goal of success in competition. We supporting each other as a team, and encourage others to be the best that they can be. I’m proud to say that the team is a part of my family. Track is where I found my sanctuary and it will always be close to my heart.

Akshay N.

Track has had the biggest impact on me of any activity at school. It has given me a reason to look forward to coming to school every day. I made new friends, with other students who I never would have ever thought I would. This team is my family and I appreciate every single one of them. My coaches have pushed and motivated me more than anyone else in my life. I am thankful for them. Track is life. TRACKNATION!

Alex A.

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