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What is the NOH8 Club?

Artwork on display in the main lobby of PHS, created by members of the NOH8 club, urges students respect one another. Photo by Amanda Oyola.

Artwork on display in the main lobby of PHS, created by members of the NOH8 club, urges students respect one another. Photo by Amanda Oyola.

By Amanda Oyola

The NoH8 club is a safe anti-bullying and LGBTQ Alliance club that was formed in 2013. It was formed for everyone and exists to promote tolerance and acceptance throughout the school community. They provide confidential, safe, non-judgmental space and support, hearing students’ problems with open ears and hearts. They listen and support no matter who comes to them for help.

The club members strive for inclusion, political awareness, civil rights, and the rights that empower all humans. While the club started slowly in its first year, this year they have created a couple campaigns, like the “love is respect “ campaign that brings awareness to educate young adults to prevent and end abusive relationships. Members of the NOH8 club distributed fliers and informed students about this problem. The campaign culminated in the wearing of orange on orange Friday to bring awareness of this problem to the student body.

The NOH8 club also participated in the “no more” campaign, which brings awareness to help end domestic abuse and sexual assault. PHS students participated by filling out a pledge with an idea of how to end sexual assault and domestic abuse as well as wearing a light blue shirt on Wednesday March 11.

This year has been very successful for this club and there is much more to come. As the NoH8 club builds its membership and becomes more visible in school, more campaigns to help make the environment of PHS better will be undertaken. They meet on Wednesday from 2:45 to 3:30 in G11. Anyone is welcome.



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