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An Informal Interview With Deadpool

deadpool cropped

By Emanuel Velez (and DEADPOOL!) –

For over a decade (yes it’s been that long), audiences have been waiting for a live-action theatrical Deadpool movie. For me, I’ve been waiting a year. Now, time for the REVIEW of Deadpool.

Hell yeah, you’re gonna review me! Deadpool here! *GASP* I just broke the 4th wall in a written review! I am an absolute chimichanga-loving master at this. Oh and now, the REVIEW!

First of all, I want to say that Ryan Reynolds is born to be Deadpool. Throughout the film I cannot doubt him being Deadpool. How Wade Wilson became Deadpool in this origin story isn’t like any typical superhero origin story in film. The story blends well with the aftermath of the origin is all I’ll say.
Incredible! I’m not Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, or Wolverine! My origin is %&$@ amazing! Wait! Why did you %&$@ censor my words?!

Because this is a friendly review fit for my high school, Mr. Pool – or Mr. Wilson – or Mr. Reynolds? Wait, who are you?
I’m DEADPOOL, dammit! Roll the credits to kill the taste, would you? Continue my review!

Alright I’ll continue. This movie puts Deadpool in his 100% comic-based character. The suit appears as if it were ripped from the comics.

And then I stole it without getting sued. Thank you Fox! Take a chimichanga.

Yes, we have the Deadpool that is NOT the one from X-Men Origins: Wolverine. X-Men: Days of Future Past was able to change the past and the future – and voilà – your truly comic-based Deadpool! Wade Wilson is diagnosed with cancer, and submits himself to a secret program that transforms him into the still-unkillable Deadpool.

They ruined my beautiful sexy face! Now I need to wear Ryan Reynolds or Hugh Jackman’s sexy face off of magazines!

Aside from the story, the side characters are also great. Colossus does an incredible performance trying to convince Deadpool to stop his R-rated wrongdoing and move toward the PG-13 good guy stuff. We also have Negasonic Teenage Warhead – which is the coolest %&$@ ever – who is pretty much Colossus’ trainee to master mutant powers with the X-Men. Of course, we should see Cable in the sequel. Now as far as the R-rating, in my opinion, Deadpool needed to be rated R to show Deadpool at his best in film. A PG-13 rating would have put the movie into something… not as good. Despite the R rating, Deadpool broke records at the box office, for an opening weekend for an R-rated film. It is also one of the highest-grossing R-rated films ever, grossing nearly $500 million! This was accomplished with a budget of only $58 million.

I’m rich and rich and rich!!! Chimichangas for me and for all –but mostly me!

Despite a pretty short length of about 1 hour and 40 minutes (excluding end credits), I enjoyed this movie from start to finish – especially the 4th wall breaking, which IS in the movie. Once again, Ryan Reynolds is born to play Deadpool. I’m already demanding a sequel with a longer duration and more of Cable. Therefore, Deadpool gets a – DEADPOOL INFINITY!!!

– No! I meant to say a 10/10! Yes I do mean it. 10/10.

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