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Get Scared Presents Alternative to View Inner Demons

Nicholas Matthews, Johnny Braddock, Bradley Iverson and Warren Wilcock are the members of Get Scared, an American band from Layton, Utah. (Photo courtesy of Get Scared band)

Nicholas Matthews, Johnny Braddock, Bradley Iverson and Warren Wilcock are the members of Get Scared, an American band from Layton, Utah. (Photo courtesy of Get Scared band)

By Judith Hernandez

While many might be turned off by the powerful screams and heavy sound of the American post rock/alternative band Get Scared, they are worth a listen as they are more meaningful than most of the other music that most teens listen to today. Get Scared’s sound features clear vocals set off by powerful screams. Their songs are also very meaningful and cover very heavy meaningful subjects in their lyrics.

Their latest album, Demons is about facing inner demons and how it affects the lives of those all around. Everyone makes mistakes and some of those mistakes will follow all the way until the grave. People take revenge on others, people who hurt and most want to make them suffer as well. This makes people turn into someone that they would not want to be.

Revenge should not change us. People change throughout the course of their lives, and the subject of many of these songs is that in changing we should not turn into someone who we do not want to be. Truth should reign above feeling good for the moment.

This is not pop music. Most people will not listen to this type of music because they would call it emo. However, if given the chance many would appreciate, if not actually like, it.  The lyrics are mostly based on things that happen to people and how they get through it. The songs talk about suicide, revenge, sadness, and how to deal with problems that everyone has, but most feel like only happens to them.

FINAL_LOGOMany songs deal with the how to hold on to your own mind when everyone around tells you that you are not worth anything. How do people deal with their own loved ones making them feel like they are worthless?

The song “What if I’m Right” deals with the idea of holding true to one’s own mind when everyone else is saying to do something else. Making you think you’re crazy when they are the crazy ones.
The one criticism of this band is that they cover every human emotion except happiness. Perhaps it would ruin their persona, but it would be nice to see a song that has a happier ending, that when the ordeal is over the survivor will have a life afterwards.

The best part of this band is that their message is to not give up on what you think is right. After all the messaging, the actual music is melodic, yet also has a heavy sound at the same time.


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