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MOVIE REVIEW: ‘Captain America: Civil War’

Captain America civil war 1By Emanuel Velez

Here we are! Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe kicking off with a civil war between characters. Captain America: Civil War is the 13th MCU movie and the third in the Captain America series. For once, I’m glad that Cap finally got a May release instead of Iron Man.

Some time has passed after the events of Age of Ultron, and the Avengers are questioned with how they should be controlled with a policy after various events involving collateral damage occur, with innocents dying.

This leads to two different sides, Team Cap or Team Iron. Team Iron follows the policy whereas Team Cap resists it.

I have to say, this is the best Captain America movie I’ve seen. My eyes are constantly kept onto the movie watching the next phenomenal action sequence deliver its best. Seriously, the action is intensifying!

While this movie is a Captain America movie, it doesn’t only focus on Cap. It focuses on other characters’ personal opinion on how they can trust each other. You know what they feel and it makes sense. It helps to make the story become the story that needed to be told!

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Speaking of characters, we’re introduced to two new characters entering the MCU – Black Panther, and of course, Your Friendly Neighborhood, Spider-Man. Chadwick Boseman as the Wakandan King T’Challa impressed me with his action.
Now I’m looking forward to Marvel’s Black Panther in 2018. As for Spider-Man, he was the most comedic character in the film. Thank you Marvel and Sony for that deal! A young Tom Holland playing a 15-year-old superhero makes sense for Spidey. I’m interested in seeing this younger Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2017.

Of course, not everything is perfect. First, some action sequences were a little off what’s expected in the first part of the movie, but it does better later on.
Second, I was also hoping for more IMAX footage besides the airport scene – which is the best action sequence in the movie!

Third, some parts of the story might be unnecessary at times. Lastly, it’s not fully Civil War if you only have a few characters on each side. The comics had a TON more. Captain America: Civil War delivers some of the best from Marvel Studios. Great story, great action, great characters, and a great Spidey. Seriously, Spider-Man was awesome!

Captain America: Civil War gets itself a golden 9/10.

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