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Transgender and Gender-Neutral Bathrooms

By Jaylene Canning

There are bathrooms for females and another for males, but is that really enough? What about those who identify as neutral or trans-gender? There is currently a movement in the United States, that is gaining momentum, to provide bathroom facilities for those who identify themselves as gender neutral or trans-gender.

Many people judge those who enter the bathroom of the opposite sex, but when they go in the bathroom of the sex that they were born as, they also get judged. So how are they supposed to feel comfortable or find happiness themselves, when others hurt them and judge them for who they identify themselves as?

Five years since it became illegal to discriminate against transgender students, schools everywhere are waiting for guidelines on how to apply this new law to bathrooms. Bathrooms are one way to including this overlooked segment in society. By creating gender neutral bathroom for those who identify as either sex or transgender, then they are welcomed into society.

This law is especially important to schools, where creating a welcoming atmosphere is important to the wellbeing of the student population. In this light, creating a special bathroom is just a small way of making a small segment of the school community feel welcomed.

In South Jersey there are many gender neutral bathroom for those students or employees. There is one in Rowan University and many other schools all around southern New Jersey, so what about in North Jersey?

We also have students who are transgender and gender fluid, they just hide in the dark dressing differently, blocking out those who judge them maybe even blocking family and friends out, changing their appearance and they always want to go in the bathroom of the sex they identify as but have to go in the one that their born as.

No matter what bathroom they use, someone will always judge them for who they are. These people should be made to feel comfortable too. These people are not freaks, and just experience life in their own way. These people are unique, but they should not be judged for just trying to be who they are.

This issue is not just some story about weird people who are confused about their sexuality. It is something that has revealed that everyone probably knows a member of the LGBT community.

For example, Ruby Rose Langenheim, from the show Orange is the New Black, is just one of the many celebrities who have been coming out as transgender or gender fluid. Ruby Rose, is an Australian model, DJ, recording artist, actress, television presenter, and former MTV VJ. She is a gender fluid female who is open about who she is.

Rose has encouraged many people to step out of their comfort zone and become who they want to be. She has done for gender fluids what Caitlyn Jenner has done for the trans-genders.

Even if people are rich and famous, they still receive hatred for who they are. Caitlyn has had angry fans and others mad at her for being who she is; just because she isn’t Bruce anymore doesn’t mean she should be bitten or barked at. She just feels more comfortable in her own skin now.

This is an issue that affects many, so why make someone who has finally broken free from the fear of being different feel caged, when they are just trying to be themselves. This can affect anyone, perhaps a son or daughter may come out as gender fluid or transgender. What will happen then? Will they be shamed out of their own family? Will they be accepted and supported as they proceed and grow through this journey?

We are all human whether black, white, hispanic, gay, straight, bi, or whatever. We all should be treated equally even if we are different in our own way. So let us be able to have our own bathrooms if we make women and men feel uncomfortable, don’t you agree?

You are perfect

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