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What Really Grinds My Gears: Getting to Class

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By David Buonafina

Do you know what really grinds my gears…?

When students are trying to get to class and they are always late, because other students are either confused with where they’re going, just being annoying on purpose, or they want to stand around and talk.

Come on guys? We all have somewhere to be!!! I mean blocking the hallway is just not cool! Sure it seems lame to say we should all just walk quickly and quietly from class to class, but feel my position for a moment. Student A (all names have been withheld to protect the guilty) is always on time, has excellent grades and has perfect attendance.

Now, student B is a chatter box, failing every class and chooses not to attend many classes, since the first day of school. Student B likes to cause trouble, cuts classes regularly. Since B has nothing to lose and nowhere to go, he can just linger in the hallway and go where he wants.

So like life, there are some of us who are going places and have things to do and people to see, but let us not be burdened by those who will stand in our way, both literally and figuratively. Blocking the halls, walking slowly and basically just hindering all motion in the school is not cool.

Let’s face it, if this is going to be “the best urban school in New Jersey” then we all need to be where we are supposed to be, in class learning and participating. But first, we need to get there. Let’s not be a student B on his phone texting while walking through the hallways and always making other students late to class.

The real question is how do we get B to class on time? Well, aside from cattle prods or having the security staff duct tape him to the wall, we can all just personal responsibility and do what we need to do. How about that?

Thank you for listening to my rant and please look forward to future columns about things that just “Grind My Gears.”

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