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Football Pre-Season: Gearing Up for the 2017-2018 Season

By Juliana Disla

Football season ended and the players are already putting in the time to practice and prepare for next year. The team has been focusing on playing as brothers, footwork skills to increase speed, and communication. Pre-season will help the football team play better and have a successful season in the fall.

According to various players on the football team, they feel that they have not been playing their game as a team, and they are working towards being more than a team and more like brothers. Freshman player Smirlin Cruz said, “Most of us have been working a lot in the weight room, and we are also working on communicating better as a family.”

Mr. Widener, the head coach, has taken the team out to watch a basketball game at Rutgers University as a way to work towards their goal of being a family.

Widener is helping the team prepare for next season by giving them the option to go to the weight room in the morning at 6 o’clock a.m. or after school, 3:30-4:30.

The football players lacked speed during their last games, so they are working on footwork to obtain better speed in the weight room. They would also watch films in the YMCA from their last games to correct their mistakes and do better next year.

With all of these preparations, the Passaic High School Football team will surely have a successful season next year if they keep up the good work!

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