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AV Club Kahoots Challenge a Success

A prize raffle was held during the Kahoots Challenge. (Screenshot by Joel Soto)

By Joel Soto 

We have all been trying to find new and interesting ways to make this distance learning thing work, but many have also been able to make this bad situation even fun. One such example of this is the AV Club and their brand new Kahoot Challenge! 

What is the Kahoot Challenge? Glad you asked. It is a competition open to ANY PHS student who wishes to place their trivia skill against all comers. There have been many challenges so far, with movie trivia, sports trivia, Christmas trivia and many other topics. The best part is that there are prizes!!!

“It is a fun way to keep our students engaged and emotionally healthy during these tough times,” said AV Club Advisor and Television Broadcasting Teacher, Mr. Harmon.  

Students log into the Kahoot Challenge through the Club page in Google Classroom ( Students have won gift cards for food and fun and the most important part is they are having a great time doing it.

“It is funny how much knowledge kids have on different topics,” said one participant.  

The Christmas Kahoot! Challenge was particularly fun because everyone has seen these movies since they were little and remembering some details about these favorites is just fun. For those of you that played Kahoot in class, you know how fun it can be. Mr. Harmon makes great questions, and the students all have a great time.

So, watch for this on the AV Club site and maybe you can win a gift card, or even better, you might just win bragging rights.  

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