By Sebastian Hernandez
Antlers is a movie which deserves your attention. You can catch it on multiple streaming services and you should not skip past it. Overall it is a good movie to watch. Just make sure your are in the right mood. Written by Scott Cooper and Henry Chaisson, it will have a good and believable dialogue and suspenseful plot.
Antlers is filled with thrilling scenes that left me in shock. It’s something I would expect from a good film. Each cast member played a perfect part since they were able to play their characters perfectly. Not only did I enjoy the movie but friends who watched it with me also enjoyed the film. They saw what the movie had and what the film needed. The two actors, Keri Russell and Jeremy T. Thomas, made a huge impact on the how they played their parts. Keri is the school teacher who has a horrible past with her father and Jeremy plays the mysterious kid who is hiding his dad and brother who were infected by a creature.
Antlers does well with how it looks, such as the scenes that were covered with darkness which gives the scene set against the vastness of Oregon a feeling of having claustrophobia. This gives the film a moody and saturated look that helps create a good atmosphere. The cinematography was a great part of the film, so that you feel the tension and horror of the characters.
Talking about the bad things about the movie would be the parts of the film where each character had a bad past, but does not complete the full story about what exactly happened, because in the film the teacher had a horrible past with her father but I never really know how bad it was although according to how she acted and had constant flashbacks, I can see that it was bad.
The ending of the movie was not as surprising, it was more about them realizing that they are probably going to keep making another movie since at the end of the movie one of the characters gets infected too which gives me a foreshadow about what the second movie is probably going to be about.
So would I recommend this movie? Yes, I would. It is an overall good movie for anyone to watch. You might not notice anything bad with the film. If you are a type of person that likes to get scared this movie won’t provide a lot of that but it does include bloody gore scenes and that’s something we should be aware of. I wouldn’t say the movie was great and perfect but it was an overall good movie. This all depends on preferences on the movie but for me it was a good film. You should definitely make sure that you are ready to be scared and suspend you criticism until you get into it.
This movie had its aspects and the climax to the film and most of the film was good. It depends on what type of movie you are looking for and I’m here to give a review about the film to see if it is worth watching and if they meet each aspect to make the film good. It did have some downfalls but its something I don’t think would be noticeable because as a watcher you kinda just focus on enjoying the film which is enjoyable. It is summer vacation, so take some time to enjoy getting a little spooked, especially with some friends. It makes it so much better.