“Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”
Jacob Marley learned too late that the business of mankind was the welfare of others (Thanks Mr. Z. for that quote analysis). And, the welfare of others was the objective of a recent fundraiser by DECA right here at PHS!
The Finance Pathway club, DECA, created the goal of raising $1000 to donate to Covenant House. It is part of a larger donation project by New Jersey DECA, as part of a community service project. The overall goal is $30,000 from all the high school DECA chapters around New Jersey.
The goal of raising money for Covenant house is to help them to do their important work. They have been around since 1972, helping young people with homelessness and human trafficking. Covenant House is now in thirty-four cities and in six countries, helping at least two thousand kids find a safe place to sleep every night.
DECA has partnered with Covenant House to help in a common goal of providing immediate shelter and care for kids and young adults who need a safe transition to independent living.
Two of the Covenant House facilities are right here in New Jersey servicing those in need in and around Newark and Atlantic City. These shelters are opened 24/7, every day of the year. They provide shelter and three meals a day, with the tools to provide education and employment training, and even legal and medical services. Those in need can get clothing and food, a helping hand to those who need some help.
They do all this through the donations of generous donors. These donors include the staff and students of PHS!
One student, Evan Alicea, said, “Before this fundraiser, I didn’t know that there was even a place like this for homeless youth or the Covenant House even existed. It’s good to know that there is a place out there to help young people get back on their feet again.”
At the time of publication the DECA club was only about $50 short of their $1000 goal. So let’s pull together PHS family and show how much we care! The raffle winners were Megan Pollaro (paraprofessional) and Julie Sanguino. Congratulations!
Mrs. Aristy and Mrs. Fuller want to thank the students and staff of the PHS community for their generosity and support of this worthwhile project, and for supporting our active and successful DECA club.