By Jacqueline Jackson

As a young woman, it can be very dangerous walking home late at night. Whether coming home from a party and dressed too nice, or just getting home from school after an event that goes a little late, being alone on the street can be stressful and a little dangerous.
Of course it is tempting to get a ride from someone if they offer, this is not the safest route to take. We all know not to do that, but there are other tips that can help keep you safe.
Even though it may be tempting, NEVER get in a car with a stranger. Even if the guy seems nice, and he goes to school with you, you should never ever trust that someone is going to just be nice and provide transportation to your home. Even if you are just placed in an awkward situation, that is something that can be easily avoided by just not getting in the car. The walk alone is worth not being in a bad situation.
There is not always someone available to help you get home. Your friends may have left a party after you or before you, and then you are left to get home by yourself. Perhaps you do not have the option of calling a friend, parent or sibling to get you home, or you just do not want to put them out, but that is always the best option. If you have the option, never go by yourself. The old saying is true that there is safety in numbers.
However, we have all been in the situation where you just need to get home and there is no one to give you a ride or walk with you. Calling a cab or an Uber is so expensive, so if that is not an option, you are often left to just do what you have to do, walk home alone.
School Resource Officer Lozano said, “Always walk with a friend or walk in a crowded area.”
So the best advice is to stay where there are a lot of other people.
Another tip is to stay aware of your surroundings. Officer Lozano said, “Have your phone on hand if you can, to call 911 for any emergency.” But having your phone in your hand does not mean being on your phone. You need to remain aware of who is around you. Your eyes are your best defense. Also having a flashlight to help you see at night is an aid that can help you stay out of trouble.
Other things that can keep you safer is to leave a party or event before it gets dark. You do not need to be the last person to leave. Make sure you leave enough time to get home before it gets dark. Basically, just keep your head so that you can be smart enough to avoid bad situations.
Lastly, having something that can be used as a weapon is a tactic of last resort. Weapons can help even the playing field between a predator against women and a would-be victim.
Weapons are not necessarily guns, especially since they are mostly illegal. But there are other options, like pepper spray that are legal to purchase and carry, as well as tasers, and maybe even a small knife. Of course these things cannot be brought to school, but they can be on you for walking home after a party or get together. Remember to know how to use whatever you carry and remember that a weapon is a last resort.
The best way to beat an attacker is to never meet him. Stay smart so that you can stay safe.