Story and Photos by Enyerly Reyes
The PHS ROTC was fortunate enough to participate in the annual event held in New York City, called Fleet Week. This event has been going onfor over forty years. Held to help commemorate Memorial Day, the festivities of Fleet Week gives New Yorkers and anyone from around the area a chance to see and marvel at the wonderful ships of the United States Navy.
The Navy is more than just ships; it is the men and women who work together to make this the best navy in the world. PHS cadets were able to meet and speak with many sailors, as well as Marines and Coastguardsmen. It was a fun day to be in the city and get the chance to learn more about the Navy as well as the many ships that make up the modern Navy. Seeing these ships and talking with sailors was a chance for PHS cadets to bring the information about the naval services to life instead of just reading about it in a textbook.
Senior Juan Rios said, “It was just a fun day to be with my friends in the city. The ships are awesome and the sailors we met were so nice.”
This is the second time the event has been held in person because 2020 and 2021 were virtual due to the Covid 19 pandemic. However, “The U.S. Navy is excited to be back in New York to showcase how the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard provide us with an advantage at sea,” said Rear Adm. Christopher S. Gray about the event.
Fleet Week is a chance to see the navies of NATO allies as well. This year, Great Britain, Italy and Canada participated. Cadets visited the U.S.S. Wasp, a multipurpose amphibious assault carrier. Not as large as a supercarrier, this small carrier can take the battle to the enemy with F-35’s and Ospreys.
PHS has attended other Fleet Weeks because it is a chance to explore the ships, meet the sailors and learn about life and career opportunities in the United States Navy and the Marine Corps. However, the trip also instills discipline and citizenship to the PHS ROTC unit. This will ensure that the PHS cadets will continue to make us proud.