By Kiara Lecca
As the Education Pathway at PHS grows and becomes more established, it will have more opportunities based on our schools association with the New Jersey Future Teachers Association (NJFEA).
After their performance at the recent conference, PHS students earned their NJFEA Banner from that group, and now we are an official chapter! This will give PHS students greater opportunities, as well as more credential respect as they pursue their careers in education. Hopefully, these students will go to school and then return to PHS to become teachers here in the district.
To be a part of this pathway, please contact your guidance counselor to sign up. Also, being an official chapter means that PHS students will attend the next conference, which is January 11, at Drew University. The program is great fun and if you have any desire to be in the field of education (when you grow up) then check into being a part of the Education Pathway!