By Lenin Severiche
Many of us have had Mr. Wyka for history class at Lincoln Middle School. Some of us have had him for history here at the high school. But what many of us never knew is that Mr. Wyka is not only a great teacher, knowledgable and dedicated to teaching, but also a professional and accomplished drummer.
Mr. Wyka is retiring by the end of 2023 and will begin a long awaited rest from working for the Passaic School District for over thirty years. He is known for his dry sense of humor as well as his deep knowledge of history, accumulated during decades of teaching the kids of Passaic.
Senior, Gary Nunez, said, “He is always so funny in class, I hope that the next teacher is just as good.”
Junior, Chris Sanchez, said, “Mr. Wyka is really strict. I had him in middle school and you had to do all your work and it had to be right.”
Sentiments about being knowledgeable and interesting, strict and kind, were echoed by many other students who, while are sad to see him go, wish him all the best in the next phase of his life, with more free time.
Hopefully, he will continue to play drums professionally, and will enjoy the “Crimson and Clover” love from all the students and colleagues he as touched over his long career. It was a love of teaching, rather than “Mony, Mony” that highlighted his career. So now, good luck Mr. Wyka and stay in touch. You always have a home here in Passaic.